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To us, sustainability means balancing humanity’s social, economic, and environmental needs to provide a healthy planet for future generations.

We believe our sustainability efforts in our project work, our partnerships, and our operations create a stronger company and will help ensure a more prosperous future for our people and our planet. Two notable partnerships are with The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and The Water Resilience Coalition. Collaborating with WBCSD allows us to work with businesses across the globe who are focused on tackling corporate sustainability issues, while our partnership with the Water Resilience Coalition focuses on addressing the global water crisis.

Through aligning our sustainability goals with the internationally recognized United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) we strive to be innovative and proactive leaders in sustainable business practices. Learn more about SWCA’s Positive Impact Areas, our Human Rights Policy, and our commitment to the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact.

Our suppliers are an important part of our sustainability plan. We rely on them to adhere to the same standards we commit to regarding social and environmental practices, and governance. These standards are detailed in our Supplier Code of Conduct.

For more information on our sustainability efforts, please read our Sustainability Policy or browse our 2023 Sustainability Report below.



Employee Safety

Our SWCA core value Never Settle is demonstrated best in our Safety Program. Our Safety Team is continuously improving our program and tools. 

.47 Total Recordable Incident Rate

0.23 Days Away Restricted Time

54% Women in leadership

Our first step was to create a culture that would attract women, a culture of inclusion, belonging, and equality where women feel valued and heard.

80% of total costs covered for all medical plans

SWCA’s Total Rewards package maintains internal fairness and external competitiveness.


Every 18 months, SWCA carries out comprehensive engagement surveys across the company, offering employees a formal and confidential avenue to share their feedback and suggestions. 

88% Overall satisfaction with SWCA

80% Overall engagement score

Recruitment and Retention

In 2023, SWCA experienced exceptional growth. With this growth, we continued to make significant investments in the development of our people. 

90% 2023 retention

90% Retention of women and people of color

100% employee-owned

Being an ESOP-based organization is a fundamental element of SWCA’s culture and offers financial and retirement advantages for our staff.


SWCA Gives Back

In 2023, SWCA’s commitment to giving reached unprecedented levels, breaking records for employee volunteer hours, nationwide Gives Back events, and the overall impact, marking it as the most impactful year in company history.

3,513 Volunteer Hours

$195K Total impact

2023 Have a Heart Award

The Denver office held more than 14 Gives Back events and volunteered over 227 hours. They had a financial impact of over $3,000. 

$12,000 Raised for eco-restoration

SWCA offices collectively held over 45 events, logging more than 500 volunteer hours.

Environmental Stewardship

Beyond our project work, SWCA employees participate in environmental stewardship projects through the Gives Back program to benefit our communities and environment.

75 Events Nationwide

1,172 Hours of Restoration

Client Feedback

SWCA’s partnerships with clients are core to our business. We take great care to ensure that all clients’ expectations are met, from the private homeowner to the Fortune 100 client. 

98% Satisfaction rate

85 Net Promoter Score – up 12 points from 2022

17 Spreading the Science Events in 2023

We volunteer our time at schools, environmental education events, science fairs, nature festivals, and science-based nonprofits.


Sustainability Badges

This program establishes a transparent and efficient framework for motivating, monitoring, and evaluating environmental sustainability accomplishments at the office level.

129 Badges

25 Offices Participating

2023 Daring to be Greener award

The Amherst office won the inaugural Daring to be Greener award, earning a total of 21 badges in 2023.  

4,400 Pounds of electronics recycled

We partner with two recycling non-profits: PCs for People and Human I-T.

Energy Use

At SWCA, we are always looking for ways to reduce the energy use that is within our control and encourage our employees to consider their actions.

31.02 kBTU/square foot EUI

100% Powered by renewable electricity

Sage Grouse Tagging and Monitoring

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

In 2023, Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 emissions were calculated in accordance with the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard. Both Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions decreased in 2023 from 2022. 

3.24 mt CO2e / employee

5,328 mt CO2e Total emissions

2023 UNGC Participation

In July 2023, SWCA joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), a voluntary leadership platform for the development, implementation, and disclosure of responsible business practices.

Connect with SWCA

Click below to learn more about our Sustainability and Management Consulting services and how SWCA can support your efforts in sustainability/ESG reporting.

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