Developing offshore wind facilities is a multi-step process involving significant federal, state, and commenting agency coordination, as well as engagement with multiple stakeholders.
Navigating the offshore wind process requires experience with agencies and stakeholders and a deep bench of professionals that can provide sound technical data and analysis.
SWCA has worked with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) for many years and has experience in all environmental facets of the offshore development process. Our offshore wind consultants understand the regulatory and stakeholder environment and know what’s needed to bring your projects online. We support offshore wind development from preliminary studies and surveys to construction and operation plan development and through the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and permitting process.
Relevant Services
- Visual Assessments and Simulations
- Fatal Flaw Analyses
- Avian and Bat Surveys, Studies, and Conservation Strategies
- Marine Mammal Protection Act Consultations and Compliance
- Fisheries, Essential Fish Habitat Assessments and Benthic Surveys and Analysis
- Threatened and Endangered Species Presence/Absence Surveys
- Biological Assessments and Endangered Species Act (ESA) Section 7 Consultation Support
- Coastal Zone Management Act Consistency Reviews
- Clean Water Act Permitting for Wetlands and Water Quality
- Clean Air Act OCS Air Emissions Inventories and Permits
- Onshore and Marine Archaeology Assessments and Section 106 Consultations
- Native American Tribal Coordination and Consultations
- Geotechnical and Geophysical Survey Plan Development
- Coordination with BOEM, Permitting, and Implementation