A unique blend of practical know-how and computational expertise in NRDA and environmental litigation processes.
The SWCA economics team uses inputs and information gathered by biologists, ecologists, toxicologists, and engineers to help our clients resolve cases in a manner that is scientifically sound and cost-effective. We accomplish this using a range of analytical tools including recreational surveys, simulation modeling, econometrics, random utility modeling, habitat and resource equivalency analysis (HEA and REA), Net Environmental Benefits Assessment (NEBA), benefit/cost analysis, and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA).
These methods have been applied to freshwater oil spills, marine oil spills, and sites contaminated with mercury, dioxins, PCBs, PFAS compounds, lead, and/or other heavy metals. In addition, we use HEA, REA, and NEBA to resolve NRDA-like claims related to wildfires, dam failures, and the take of threatened and endangered species.
Relevant Services
- Critiques of Trustee and/or Plaintiff Analysis
- Commercial Fishery, Wildfire, and Property Value Loss Claim Reviews
- Environmental Sampling Plans and Recreational Surveys
- Estimation of Wildlife Mortality
- Estimation of Recreational Impacts
- Population Modeling
- Socioeconomic Impact Assessment
- Translation of Ecoservice Impacts into Monetary Compensation