A partner when dealing with the unexpected.
Hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, and other natural disasters can have devastating impacts on communities. The aftermath can seem overwhelming. SWCA staff have weathered these disasters. We have learned firsthand how to help move recovery efforts forward quickly, effectively, and economically.
SWCA’s disaster recovery consultants can help to navigate the maze of federal environmental regulations required under the Stafford Act and through grants from the Federal Emergency Management (FEMA) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Our experts have experience with FEMA Public Assistance and Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funded disaster recovery programs, Federal Highway Administration Emergency Relief (FHWA-ER), Natural Resources Conservation Service Emergency Watershed Protection program (NRCS-EWP), and the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), among others. Our specialists include wetland, water, and stream restoration scientists; threatened species specialists; ecologists; National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) planners; archaeologists; and architectural historians. We provide on-the-ground and regulatory support for individuals, private companies, non-profits, and municipal agencies – anyone needing environmental expertise that will enable them to move forward in their disaster recovery.
Relevant Services
- NEPA Compliance and Permitting
- Agency and Programmatic Agreement Negotiation
- FEMA/HUD Recovery and Resilience Program Planning
- Post-Fire Restoration
- Forest Habitat Impacts and Restoration
- Erosion Control and Revegetation Solutions
- Archaeological Site Identification and Monitoring
- Historic Architectural and Preservation Assessments
- Native American and Hawaiʻi Tribal Consultation
- Clean Water Act Assessments
- Endangered Species Act Consultation
- Environmental Assessments (EA)
- Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
- Tier I (Broad) and Tier II (Site-Specific) Environmental Reviews
- Environmental Compliance Monitoring
- Public Involvement/Community Outreach
- Workshops and Training
- Drone Operations and Aerial Photography