SWCA is a global environmental consulting firm that helps clients navigate the environmental compliance process. Founded in 1981, we have a deep roster of biologists, archaeologists, planners, engineers and technical experts who work on renewable energy projects; transmission lines; pipelines; roads, trails and highways; land management plans; coasts, inland, and offshore.
We have climate experts, wildlife biologists, fire experts, cultural resource scientists, historians, GIS and drone professionals, solar and wind experts, tribal consultants, and much more. Basically, any kind of project that requires environmental planning or permitting falls under our expertise.
You can see more of what we do by browsing our business lines and service areas. To request an interview with one of our experts, contact media [at] swca [dot] com (subject: Media%20Request) (media[at]swca[dot]com)

For Media Inquiries or Interviews
Please contact us with details about your request and your deadline and we’ll put you in touch with the right person.