SWCA’s environmental planning consultants specialize in a comprehensive approach to maintain environmental resources and comply to established regulatory requirements.
Our planners can:
- Define objectives
- Provide documentation assistance
- Gather community input
- Offer alternatives and solutions
- Facilitate stakeholder collaboration
SWCA is dedicated to helping our clients meeting their community planning goals through strategic guidance and thorough environmental permitting knowledge.
Relevant Services
- Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
- Environmental Assessments (EA)
- Environmental Impact Reports (EIR)
- Categorical Exclusions
- Environmental Mediation and Facilitation
- Mitigated Negative Declaration Assistance
- Third-Party Technical Review
- Public Involvement and Outreach
- Air Quality and Noise Services
- Visual Resources/Viewshed Analysis
- Wind and Shadow Assessments
- Socioeconomic Studies
- 401 Water Quality Certification
- Collaborative Planning
- 404 Clean Water Act (CWA) Permitting
- Watershed Plans
- Land Use and Recreation Plans
- Implementation Plans
- Fire Management Plans
- River Management Plans
- Forest and Grazing Plans
- Invasive Species Management Planning
- General Management Plans
- Wetland Mitigation Banking
- Siting and Feasibility Studies
- Statistical Analysis and Modeling
- Voluntary Conservation Programs
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Administrative Records
- Natural Resource Management and Planning
- Resource Management Plans (RMP)
- Habitat Conservation Plans (HCP)
- California Natural Community Conservation Plans (NCCP)
- Comprehensive Conservation Plans (CCP)
- Climate Driven Services
- Disaster Recovery Support Services
- Conservation Banking