Thorough investigation and technical expertise are essential for understanding the habitat and distribution of various land-dwelling species.
SWCA’s biologists employ cutting-edge technologies to perform biological surveys and gather comprehensive data, ensuring a holistic picture of species and their ecosystems. In addition to wildlife and habitat studies, we support our clients with comprehensive environmental management and conservation plans, environmental compliance strategies, and ecological restoration solutions.
Our terrestrial biology consultants are knowledgeable on federal legislation including the Endangered Species Act (ESA), Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA), and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and they bring state and local expertise.
Relevant Services
- Biological Assessments and Evaluations
- Endangered Species Act Compliance
- Site Evaluation for Special Status Species Habitat
- Avian and Bat Services
- Bird and Bat Conservation Strategies (BBCS)
- Eagle Conservation Plans
- Forest and Grazing Plans
- Habitat Conservation Plans (HCP) Preparation and Compliance
- Special Area Management Plans (SAMP)
- Integrated Natural Resources Management Plans (INRMP)
- Conservation Banking
- Wetland Mitigation Banking
- Fatal Flaw Analysis
- Pre-construction Surveys and Monitoring
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Compliance
- Habitat and Vegetation Studies
- Demographic and Ecological Studies
- Airport Wildlife Hazard Assessments
- Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA) Compliance
- Bird Banding Studies
- Life History Studies
- Species Recovery
- Habitat Creation and Restoration
- Population Monitoring and Modeling
- Nest and Nesting Colony Monitoring and Productivity Studies
- Predator Control
- Invasive Species Management
- Floristic and focused botanical surveys
- Nesting Bird monitoring
- Botanical Monitoring
- Habitat and Vegetation Studies and Sampling
- Revegetation plans
- Custom seed/plant collection