SWCA can help you navigate the complexities of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) permitting and compliance processes. From routing assistance to permitting to compliance management during and post-construction, we have the expertise and experience to ensure project success.
SWCA can negotiate the FERC process on short timeframes. We are adept at working directly with the FERC and other regulatory agencies to assist our clients in the development of a project that recognizes and resolves resource issues prior to construction. Our experience includes both traditional and FERC pre-filing application processes, as well as preparation of Environmental Assessments (EAs) and Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). We conduct technical analyses and construction compliance inspections on pipeline construction projects — large or small — throughout the United States.
Relevant Services
- FERC Project/Work Classification Training and Services
- Constructability, Siting and Routing Assistance
- Pre-filing Process Management
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Section 7(c) Certificate Applications and Environmental Reports
- Section 3 Import/Export Authorization Requests
- Blanket Certificate Authorization Requests (Automatic and Prior Notice)
- Blanket Certificate Annual Reports
- Section 2.55(a) and (b) Authorizations
- Resource Reports
- Applicant-prepared Environmental Assessments
- Third-party Environmental Assessments
- Third-party Environmental Impact Statements
- Implementation Plans
- Notice-to-Proceed (NTP) Requests
- Cultural Resource Surveys
- Natural Resource Surveys
- Hydrology
- Economic Impact Assessment
- Environmental Justice Assessment
- Noise Surveys and Noise Impact Assessment
- Visual Impact Assessment
- Environmental Permitting
- Construction Compliance Inspections
- Construction Compliance Training
- Right-of-way Restoration
- Restoration Monitoring
Project Spotlights

SWCA is supporting a proposed pipeline looping and compression project that will enable Transcontinental Gas Pipeline Company, LLC to provide an incremental 150,000 Dth/d of year-round firm transportation capacity from existing supply points in Mississippi and Alabama to the existing Gaston delivery meter station located adjacent to the existing Compressor Station 105 in Coosa County, Alabama. The project will supply natural gas to the Gaston Steam Plant to support the transition of Unit 5 from using coal for power generation to using only natural gas.
SWCA supported development of the FERC 7(c) Application through the FERC pre-filing process, including schedule development, data needs tracking, preparation of Resource Reports, agency and tribal outreach, responding to FERC information requests, and tracking and responding to public comments. SWCA also conducted natural and cultural resource field surveys, including wetland and waterbody delineations, threatened and endangered species habitat surveys, bat presence/absence surveys, archaeological surveys, and architectural history surveys.

SWCA is supporting a proposed natural gas compression project that would include modifications and upgrades at five existing compressor stations along the Transco mainline in Alabama and Georgia with development of the FERC 7(c) Application through the FERC traditional filing process, including schedule development, data needs tracking, preparation of Resource Reports, and agency and tribal outreach. SWCA also conducted natural resource field surveys, including wetland and waterbody delineations and threatened and endangered species habitat surveys. SWCA is aiding Transco with state and federal permitting and agency consultations, responding to FERC information requests, and tracking and responding to public comments.

SWCA is providing environmental consulting services in support of the East Tennessee Natural Gas, LLC System Alignment Program to improve the operational reliability of East Tennessee’s system by increasing the physical capability of the system for west-to-east and east-to-west flows. The program includes installation of a natural gas pipeline loop in Tennessee and replacement in Virginia; construction of two new compressor stations in Tennessee and North Carolina; and modifications to three existing compressor stations and appurtenances in Tennessee and Virginia.
SWCA is supporting development of ETNG’s FERC 7(c) Application through the FERC pre-filing process by preparing pre-filing draft and final Environmental Reports, conducting agency and tribal outreach, and responding to FERC environmental information requests. SWCA conducted natural and cultural resource field surveys, including wetland and waterbody delineations, threatened and endangered species habitat surveys, archaeological surveys, and architectural history surveys and is supporting the federal and state permitting efforts.

The WXP Project is a joint venture between M&N and PNGTS on their jointly owned facilities. The project involves greenfield expansion to a natural gas compressor station in Westbrook, Maine. The project required obtaining a FERC Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity from the FERC pursuant to Section 7(c) of the Natural Gas Act. SWCA conducted wetland delineations and agency consultations and obtained a Section 404 Permit through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District and a major amendment to their existing Maine Department of Environmental Protection Site Location of Development Act Permit. SWCA also supported the construction phase of the project by providing environmental inspection services.

The PXP Project was a joint venture between M&N and PNGTS on their jointly owned facilities. The project involved modifications to their existing natural gas compressor station in Westbrook, Maine, the addition of a new compressor unit in Eliot, Maine, and modifications to their existing meter and regulating station in Dracut, Massachusetts. The project required obtaining a FERC Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity from the FERC pursuant to Section 7(b) and 7(c) of the Natural Gas Act.
SWCA supported project consultation with several federal and state agencies, conducted biological surveys, and obtained a major amendment to the existing Maine Department of Environmental Protection Site Location of Development Act Permit. SWCA also supported the construction phase of the project by providing environmental inspection services.

SWCA is supporting a proposed booster station and tie-in to an existing Leaf River Energy Center, LLC pipeline header system. The project will enable LREC to provide an incremental 10,500,000 Dth/d of firm natural gas storage capacity to accommodate existing customers’ requests for additional flexibility/services.
SWCA supported development of the FERC Prior Notice Application, including schedule development, data needs tracking, preparation of the Environmental Report, and agency coordination for Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, and National Historic Preservation Act clearances and approvals. SWCA also conducted natural and cultural resource field surveys, including wetland and waterbody delineations, threatened and endangered species habitat surveys, gopher tortoise presence/absence surveys, archaeological surveys, and architectural history surveys.

SWCA is supporting a 134-mile pipeline and ancillary facilities that enable Gulf Run Transmission, LLC to transport approximately 1,650,000 Dth/d of natural gas from the existing Westdale Compressor Station in Red River Parish, Louisiana, to a delivery point near Starks, Louisiana. The project also includes modifications to the existing Line CP pipeline.
SWCA supported development of the FERC 7(c) Application through the FERC pre-filing process, including schedule development, data needs tracking, preparation of Resource Reports, agency and tribal outreach, responding to FERC information requests, and tracking and responding to public comments. SWCA conducted natural and cultural resource field surveys, including wetland and waterbody delineations, threatened and endangered species habitat surveys, archaeological surveys, and architectural history surveys. SWCA provided environmental compliance and inspection services during project construction and is supporting Gulf Run/Energy Transfer Partners with post-construction surveys and permit compliance.

SWCA provided environmental services for a 61-mile-long, 36-inch diameter natural gas pipeline that extends from the El Paso Natural Gas system west of Tucson to the international border with Mexico in support of the application for the FERC-issued Certificate and Presidential permit.
SWCA completed a variety of tasks, including biological surveys for species protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), bird nest surveys, and monitoring; Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 preliminary jurisdictional determination and securing the Section 404 permit for over 200 wash crossings; cultural resources surveys, reporting, and consultations; ethnographic studies; cultural resources data recovery investigations; biennial post-construction archaeological site assessments; and state and federal agency consultations.
SWCA also provided post-FERC Certificate environmental services in support of project variances. As part of this project, SWCA completed 8 years of restoration monitoring which included annual monitoring of vegetation plots, succulents, trees, noxious weeds, and the endangered Pima pineapple cactus.