SWCA’s Issue-Based NEPA Analysis Workshop is online, highly interactive, and includes facilitated breakout sessions with our expert instructors.
This virtual workshop encourages you to shift away from resource-based NEPA documents and prepare issue-based NEPA. Many people begin their careers as resource specialists. As a result, their NEPA documents may contain a lot of technical discussion regarding a resource for which the project would not have potential significant impacts or for which impacts have previously been addressed elsewhere and do not require an in-depth analysis. This workshop will teach authors or contributors of NEPA documents a process to identify whether potential impacts may already be addressed in prior analyses and if so, how to tier to those analyses. It will also assist authors through the process of eliminating issues from detailed analysis and providing robust documentation and rationale.
The goal of this workshop is to pull out the issues that truly require analysis and to identify those issues that can be eliminated. To the extent possible, we will use projects that participants are currently working on to determine whether there is the potential for significant impacts, and to develop issue-based outlines for those current projects.
This virtual workshop will provide the tools you need to write National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents that are clear, concise, and defensible, and facilitate the rigorous NEPA process in less time, all from the comfort of your own home or office. The course is highly interactive and includes breakout workshops facilitated by instructors where you will work on real-world NEPA projects in an instructional and interactive workshop atmosphere.
The course was inspired by evolving federal agency direction to complete NEPA projects within aggressive, truncated schedules and mandated page limits. It was developed by SWCA after years of training federal agencies on how to develop effective NEPA documentation.
Course Fees
- Non-Government Rate - $995
- Government Rate - $895
- Tribal Rate - $795
Course Materials
Instructors will provide registrants with access to a digital training manual, course workbook, and additional training resources.
Bring a couple of ongoing NEPA projects. These will be used during class as you work through exercises to identify issues and walk through the impact analysis planning.
Intended Audience
- People who review, write, and revise NEPA documents.
- Industry managers and planners who work on federal lands or with federal permits
- Agency planning and environmental coordinators
- Municipal planners
- Consultant project managers and resource specialists
- Decision-makers involved in or reviewing NEPA documents
After completion of the workshop, participants will
- Identify issues that truly require analysis and those issues that can be eliminated.
- Draft rationale for eliminating issues from detailed analysis.
- Draft a plan for doing analysis for those issues that can’t be eliminated.
Ready to Learn?
For more information about the Issue-Based NEPA Analysis Workshop, contact SWCA.