SWCA’s 2-day Facilitated Issue-Based NEPA Workshop is online, highly interactive, and includes breakout sessions with our expert instructors.
This facilitated 2-day workshop is a follow-up to SWCA’s Issue-Based NEPA Analysis Workshop. The Issue-Based NEPA Analysis Workshop is a pre-requisite to this workshop as it builds on the concepts introduced in the earlier workshop. It is intended to provide learners the opportunity to apply the principles and techniques from the Issue-based NEPA Analysis course to real-world projects and NEPA analysis.
During the workshop, a facilitator will work hands-on with participants through the issue identification and impact analysis planning processes and then assist the team with the writing of their own NEPA documents This course was developed by SWCA to allow more hands-on time with a facilitator to apply NEPA skills learned in our other NEPA workshops.
Course Fees
- Non-Government Rate - $995
- Government Rate - $895
- Tribal Rate - $795
Course Materials
Instructors will provide registrants with access to a digital training manual, course workbook, and additional training resources.
Bring a couple of ongoing NEPA projects. These will be used during class as you work through exercises to identify issues and walk through the impact analysis planning.
Intended Audience
- People who review, write, and revise NEPA documents.
- Agency planning and environmental coordinators
- Consultant project managers and resource specialists
- Decision-makers involved in or reviewing NEPA documents
After completion of the workshop, participants will be able to
- Identify issues that truly require analysis and those issues that can be eliminated.
- Draft rationale for eliminating issues from detailed analysis.
- Draft a plan for doing analysis for those issues that can’t be eliminated.
Ready to Learn?
For more information about the 2-day Facilitated Issues Based NEPA Workshop, contact SWCA.