SWCA has freshwater and marine fisheries experts on staff who serve agency clients and industries including development, mining, energy, and transportation. Our fisheries specialists employ a number of study techniques in order to determine where fish are located, what factors influence them, and what management practices can most effectively maintain and enhance fish populations.
Relevant Services
- Fish Surveys, including Presence and Distribution Surveys
- Fish Passage Evaluations
- Stream Crossing Fish Passage Assessment & Design
- Fish Population Estimation
- Freshwater, Estuarine, and Marine Fish Habitat Mapping
- Fish Habitat Inventories, including Channel Typing for Forest Practices
- Subsistence Use Studies
- Watershed Assessment
- Fisheries Monitoring and Modeling
- Habitat Enhancement/Restoration Design and Monitoring
- Fish Diet and Habitat Use Research
- Egg and Larval Retention Studies
- Statistical Data Analysis
- Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys
- Underwater Videography