SWCA’s avian and bat biologists conduct scientifically rigorous avian and bat studies to help our clients meet federal, state, and local environmental requirements. Our experts specialize in assessing the unique characteristics of a project and providing support through the entire development process, including site/risk assessment, planning, surveys, consultation, permitting, mitigation, construction inspection, and post-construction monitoring.
Where required under the Endangered Species Act, SWCA biologists holding permits from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service perform mist netting and other surveys for protected species. We have developed detailed Bird and Bat Conservation Strategies, Habitat Conservation Plans, Eagle Conservation Plans, and Adaptive Wildlife Management Plans that include micro-siting recommendations, impact avoidance strategies, and design- and operation-phase mitigation with a tiered impact-level approach. Studies consider both migratory and residential bird and bat populations.
Relevant Services
- Endangered Species Act Compliance
- Federal, State, and Local Consultation
- Pre-construction Surveys
- Migratory Bird Surveys
- Breeding Bird Point-Counts
- General Use Surveys
- Raptor Nest Searches
- Risk Assessments
- Habitat Assessments
- Habitat Restoration Plans
- Eagle Conservation Plans
- Bird and Bat Conservation Strategies
- Acoustic Bat Monitoring
- Bird and Bat Capture Surveys
- Radio-telemetry and Radar Services
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Incidental Take Permits
- Construction Monitoring
- Post-construction Mortality Surveys
- Worker Education Awareness Plans
- Environmental Planning
- Airport Wildlife Hazard Assessments