Enhancing cultural resource projects with customized, comprehensive, and strategic interpretations of landscape history.
SWCA geoarchaeologists have garnered academic and consulting-oriented experience through research-based projects in university settings and participation in multiple phases of cultural resources projects. Our approach yields more precise results, more efficiently, by detecting potential locations for buried archaeological sites and ruling out unlikely sites, generating a deeper understanding of landform history, and evaluating archaeological site preservation.
Our experience includes literature review and assessment, archaeological site probability models, extensive deep testing and survey, site-intensive sampling for investigations of integrity and paleoenvironmental contexts, investigations on the microscale of depositional processes, soil formation, and archaeological evidence through archaeological micromorphology. SWCA has a team of skilled and experienced geoarchaeologists that continue to expand our capabilities across the U.S.
- OSHA Excavation Competency Training
- Register for Professional Archaeologists
- Texas Administrative Code 13 TAC 26.4 (9)
Association Involvement
Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology
American Academy of Underwater Sciences
American Cultural Resources Association
American Institute of Professional Geologists
Ceramic Petrographers in the Americas
Council of Texas Archeologists
Geological Society of America
Illinois Association for Advancement of Archaeology
Society for American Archaeology
Society for Archaeological Sciences
Society for Historical and Underwater Archaeology
Southeastern Archaeology Conference
Texas Archeological Society
Relevant Services
- Radiocarbon Collection
- Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) Collection
- Chronometric Modeling
- Regional Landscape Reconstructions and Archaeological Correlations
- Micromorphology
- Underwater Geology
- Archaeological Test and Data Recovery Investigations
- Cultural Deposit and Site Integrity Interpretations
- Desktop Assessments and Predictive Modeling
- Deep Test Excavations
- Mechanical Excavation and GeoProbe Coring
- Laboratory Analysis
- Maritime Archaeology