When it comes to wildfire restoration, SWCA is there through it all, from helping secure funding for post-fire restoration, to post-fire monitoring and on-the-ground rehabilitation.
SWCA can support clients immediately after a fire with both rapid initial damage assessments necessary to move forward with emergency stabilization efforts and mitigation planning that can tie into long term restoration efforts.
This process includes:
- Desktop Assessments. Our process begins with desktop assessments, including analysis of soil burn severity data and geomorphological modeling of potential post-fire runoff and debris flows.
- Field Visits. During field data collection in the burned area, SWCA performs assessments of soils, ground cover, and vegetation to understand the current conditions on the ground and the most appropriate stabilization and mitigation prescriptions.
- Best Management Practices. We recognize a wide variety of BMPs for short-term stabilization and long-term recovery goals. Taking a project specific approach allows the most appropriate implementation of any BMP to meet the client’s needs.
We also work with clients to develop pre-fire plans for post-fire response and recovery, improving wildfire readiness and resilience and internal and external coordination. Our watershed specialists and engineers work within the fire and water nexus to address long-term impacts of fire on watershed processes.