Call them prairies, grasslands, or steppes – these open landscapes are all shaped by precipitation, soil moisture, and nutrient availability.
When the land is disturbed by humans or natural forces, those resources are impacted, and the ecological integrity of the landscape is imperiled. Potential impacts include loss of wildlife and pollinator habitat, erosion, reduction in native plants, scarification and desertification, and the rise of noxious and invasive species.
Our reclamation and restoration experts seek to bring the landscape back in balance by reconstructing and reestablishing habitats that have been disturbed or lost. Working together with clients and federal and state agencies, we can provide short- and long- term protection for these critical ecosystems.
Local and federal agencies have revised and implemented regulations and guidance documents, ultimately identifying reclamation and restoration as useful and highly implementable mitigation and conservation tools. For projects involving surface- disturbing activities, we can restore the native ecosystems to minimize the overall mitigation obligation or burden.
Using the concepts of successional ecology, we reconstruct disturbed and damaged landscapes and greatly increase the likelihood that developers can successfully balance project demands with the growing demand for conservation.
Relevant Services
- Reclamation Planning and Weed Management
- Habitat Restoration for Threatened, Endangered, and Species of Greatest Conservation Need
- Pollinator Habitat Restoration
- Species-Specific Conservation and Mitigation Planning
- Invasive Species Control and Management
- Ecological Site Development and Implementation
- Soil Health, Handling, and Management