Environmental issues and regulations are constantly evolving and highly variable by geography. As an energy producer you need a flexible, responsive, and locally-aware team to maintain regulatory compliance. With local staff who have worked for both regulatory agencies and industry, the SWCA team can expertly navigate the regulatory environment to expedite the permitting process, preempt regulatory problems, and resolve regulatory issues.
Our environmental professionals have in-depth knowledge of local, state and federal regulations as they apply to your specific operations. We know how to develop and deploy data collection, monitoring, and reporting systems that will meet the compliance needs of your development activities, and we have long-established relationships with local regulators that will facilitate clear and proactive communication.
Relevant Services
- Applications Permit to Drill
- NEPA Analysis and Documentation
- Section 106 Compliance / Cultural Resource Surveys
- Paleontological Surveys
- ESA Compliance / Biological Surveys
- Section 404 / CWA Permitting
- Agency Coordination
- NPDES Compliance / SWPP Plans
- SPCC Plans
- Site Planning and Resource Avoidance
- Seismic Surveys
- MBTA Compliance
- SWPPP Compliance Monitoring
- SPCC Compliance Monitoring
- Groundwater Monitoring
- Spill Response and Remediation
- Emissions Monitoring and Leak Detection / FLIR
- Reclamation
- Revegetation Implementation and Monitoring
- Class I and II Well Permit Applications for Injecting Produced Water
- Class V UIC Permit Applications for Injection and Subsurface Drip Irrigation
- NPDES Permit Applications for Surface Discharge