Since 2014, SWCA has honored the spirit of giving back with the annual Have a heart Award, recognizing an office and a Local Office Champion for their exceptional efforts. This year, we’re proud to recognize our Denver office for its outstanding commitment to the core value of SWCA Gives Back.
In 2023, the Denver team participated in 14 Gives Back and Spreading the Science events throughout the year including park clean ups, habitat building, trail maintenance events, volunteer days with the Food Bank of the Rockies, and an annual mobile blood drive, adding up to 361 volunteer hours. They arranged and participated in multi-office and Employee Resource Groups (ERG) Gives Back events, and stepped up during the Companywide Campaign, Spring into Action. In addition to volunteering, employees raised a total impact of over $8,600 to benefit local causes.
A special shoutout goes to Brent McDaniel, Denver’s Local Office Champion for the last three years. Brent has contributed considerable time and effort organizing and participating in events, supporting the Gives Back program, and engaging employees throughout the year.
Congratulations, and thank you for Giving Back, Denver!