SWCA’s Green Team Network connects employees who serve as champions of environmental sustainability at the office level. Working in conjunction with our Environmental Sustainability Committee, the Green Team promotes changes in each office through education, engagement, and implementation of corporate initiatives.
Lauren Strong, an associate project biologist and the Green Team representative out of SWCA’s San Diego, California office.Lauren Strong, an associate project biologist and the Green Team representative out of our San Diego, California office, allows her passion for the environment to shine through her work – in the field and representing the Green Team.
“We recognize that corporate social responsibility is valued by our clients and our team at SWCA,” Lauren highlights.
Lauren’s motivation to set the bar for sustainable change is impacted by her colleague, Rahima Young, Pasadena office administrative manager. Together, they have influenced Earth-minded choices for everyone in SWCA’s SoCal community by coordinating information sharing on eco-conscious topics, providing at-home resources, and combining efforts between Green Team and Gives Back events to plan cleanups.
When the company announced its commitment to reduce single-use plastics, and asked the Green Team reps to work with their office admin to develop a new purchasing plan, Lauren quickly adopted the guidelines with enthusiasm. The San Diego office, with support from Rahima in Pasadena, created an immediate course of action to implement all plastic alternatives (including additional and optional replacements) requested by the Environmental Sustainability Committee.
“The Green Team Network at SWCA is important to me because I love natural resources,” Lauren comments. “When you are outdoors doing survey work, there are times when you will run into a garbage dump site in the middle of nowhere. Often these sites include plastics, which injure wildlife and harm the environment when they break down. We can fix these issues by helping people learn what they can do with their trash and educating them on plastic alternatives.”